I'll appreciate if somebody brings an extra stick today, kiitos.
Hello, I am new to the team and wanted to make sure if the tomorrow's session will be held? Also is it possible that someone can bring me an extra stick please?
Onko enempää pelaajia tulossa tänään vai perutaanko?
Hi Masse! I'm not sure about today's games, but I have an extra stick
No games today :-(
Hmmm, I'm not sure if everyone always registers? We probably have had a small game even with only a few registered participants, haven't we?
Or do you mean that the place is closed?
Thanks Anne-Mari for offering the stick, hopefully next week :)
Mikael, I meant if the number of participants were enough for the game to go on, it takes me about an hour to come there, so I couldn't afford the risk:D
Peli siis ViTan opiskelijoita vastaan. Löytyykö veskan vehkeet vai hyökätäänkö?
Moikka! Voisko perinteiset pikkujoulusyömingit pitää jo ensi viikon maanantaina? 18.12. on Syken peli.
Jees varattu Bello 11.12. !
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